Monday, September 18, 2006

In A Single Bound!

Max the Wonderdog! Or Collie Escapology... Various titles considered...

Max has now found a new hole in the hedge. Probably after a lot of research and testing Max has now found a new weak point in the hedge. He jumps 4 foot up and through a gap no bigger than a football where the hedge is thinner than in the rest of the garden.

Next door mentioned it yesterday, so Marcus made temporary defenses. Which Max then used as a ladder to get better access to next door. Seeing our dog taking a flying leap through the hedge landing half way across our garden after calling him is spectacular.

Naughty Boy! We are definately going to do agility with him next year.

Defences now strengthened, we will await the results.

V x

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Beer Bottles....

We knew Max was clever and we know that he loves to investigate things he sees us using. But, when Marcus got a call to say that Max was out in the garden and did he have a bear bottle chew toy we got a surprise.

It turns out that Max had got the 3 bottles out of the recycling and was trying to get the nice tasting liquid out. He did manage to break a bottle and cut his lip a little, but he was ok and thank you so much to Elaine for rescuing the bottles and for spotting our little alchy.

Bottles are now kept out of Max's way when he is on his own and we have learnt another lesson in the collie care college!

I found this jpeg and thought it was quite apt. :)


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Escapologist strikes again!

I received this email from Peter (Marcus's Dad this morning. They are very kindly dog sitting Max today.

They live on a very quiet lane in a small cauldesac . The house has a big wall around it and so we assumed totally Max proof....


- Extract of an email from Peter -

We had to slip the bolt across because Tanya found the back gate open and Max in the road at the back of the house! Tanya assumed that Max was bored so he worked out how to open it!

It has been an entertaining morning with Max the escape artist. Max the thug, Tanya had gone to lie down in her room Max wandered in and jumped on top of her, she was lay on her side and had to struggle to get him off. He has had a few other adventures!! Were NOT complaining, he is interesting. He is a nice working dog who gets bored easily, I think that's why he rearranges your curtains.

Most of the morning Max and Lennox have run around the back and both sides of the house playing.

We will definitely have Max again, he is a nice gentle dog.


The escapologist strikes again... Max is too clever for his own good, totally loveable, but a big puppy who thinks he is a third his actual size.

Loveable thug! Sorry Tanya for athe addition of a dog to your lay down, he loves to be with people and loves to lay close to you, if not across you.


Max catches up with an old pal!

Marcus, Max and I went out for a walk along the beach into Victoria Country Park last night. We met Flagstaff and his owner; Flagstaff is a big burly x-breeding puppy farm chocolate lab. He is a lovely dog and his owner loves him, but he is not good with other dogs, just a socialisation problem.

Flagstaff is one of the dogs that Rosemary at Many Tears was fostering when we re-homed Max. Marcus also did the home check for Flagstaff prior to him being re-homed.

You try being locked in a kennel for all of your life only let out to do your ‘job’ and then shut away, only seeing a dog to breed and a human for food. No care, no social time, nothing but you on your own, you would be pretty scared and unsure when you begin to meet other dogs that look different, smell different, are on silly things called leads and some run up to you or want a sniff. He sounds and looks scary and is very strong, but it is all bravado and protection. He is protecting himself from the unknown and his human from the same.

Max is pretty good with other dogs, he will let them sniff, he is a bit of a bully when little dogs come up and annoy him. He pats them on the head, but nothing mean or vicious. This is just the same thing he is unsure of the social skills, but he is learning and so are we.

Hopefully, Flag and Max can have a meeting in the garden at ours and then we can go for a walk together.

We also suggested that Flag’s Dad contact Hamble Hounds (Annette) and see if Annette or Sarah could come out and work with Flag and his Dad. After Sarah came out to us we realised we created a lot of the issues we were experiencing. A bored dog who loves company as Max does will try to find things to do and that is what he did. Now he has his toys and his space and is more settled, he plays with his treat ball, his cube and his Kongs and also finds a little mischief for us humans to find! J!! LOL

Flag is happy in his new home and it was great to see him. Hopefully we can catch up with him soon and Max can have another dog to play with.

V x

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