Friday, January 19, 2007


A new boy in the Houghton clan.

Kelly & Andy have recently brought home a staffy pup.

A gorgeous bundle of fun, who will be the 3rd dog in the family. Max is no longer the baby and I bet will enjoy playing with Dodge and of course Lennox.

Welcome to the family Dodg and hope to meet you very soon.

V :)

New Year, Lots Going On...

Max and Marcus have been busy over the last few weeks. Max finding new holes to escape through to both our neighbours and Marcus blocking up holes as they appear.

Max has even broken a barracade to get to some bread that our neighbour had left out, only a matter of pulling a piece of wood at the way, but still you would think we necer feed the thug! (If Max had his way he would have his dinner, Barney's and ours with a can of something cold to wash it down!)

Apart from this we have got back to doing training with Max, he is still not really grasping roll over, but his sits, downs and even his stays are getting better.

We bought a new duvet with my Nan's Christmas money. Max and Barney love this, esp. with the old duvet on top to protect the bed. When Marcus pops home after a morning at work both of them charge down the staris from there to see him.

We have fencers and tree surgeons in in February to remove our leylandi trees and put up a 6 foot fence. This will make the garden secure and easior to manage, as well as I hope seeming a little bigger. Lets just hope Max does not see this as a challenge and learns to jump 6 foot.

Max is a much more settled dog now. He is pretty good in new situations, very happy to see us when we come home and loves his cuddles and walks.

The scared dog we picked up from Somerset is long gone, he has his moments when new men meet him in new environments and he sometimes gets a bit scared, but he is now able to understand people are nice on the whole.

Max is even being used as a 'nice dog' by our trainers. He is going out on short walks with Moose the chocolate lab. Mo mo (Moose) can be a little bothered by meeting strange dogs on leads and Max is working with Jayne (Mo mo's owner) and Marcus to get Mo to understand that new dogs are friends and new things are good. Last week they managed to do lots of close passes and Maz and Mo met for the first time. Sounds like a little thing, but to have that happen is a big thing for Jayne and Mo.

Max is also going to do some work with some other dogs next week who are learning about lead work and socialisation. Everytime we hear of dogs that are havingf problems or see the doggie programmes on the telly we know how lucky we are. But, the real training is for us the owners, our dogs learn off us and are so happy to try.

Roll on the summer and the new challenge of agillity. Max actually having to jump over things he is supposed to jump over and not things he is not. Also an excitable collie doing all the other bits of agillity like the sesaw, should be interesting.

V x

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