Monday, October 23, 2006

Max the Wonder Dog

Max is really settling in, he has been with us now for 3 months and is really part of the family.

From being a scared lanky pup with lots of things to frighton him and lots to learn, he now takes most things in his stride. (Apart from the bullying from the ginger thug, a k a Barney the cat!)

He starts his basic doggie training next weekend with I think 5 other dogs. He is going to learn lots of the basic commands, some of which he already knoes, some he needs to learn. He will also get some socialisation with other dogs, assisting him with his focus and also with his one big fear lots of dogs coming up to him at once.

Anyway, we will see how the wonder dog gets on and I will let you know. (Hopefully with pictures when we get some batteries for the camera.)

V x

Monday, October 16, 2006

All of God's Creatures, dumped by the Mean

There are dogs to be loved, that will learn to trust again, they have been xbreeding dogs, x family pets or just those dumpled. There are also those that were born in error. The humans that don't think, don't care and don't know any better. All of these guys are available for you to maybe love at Many Tears. Including 11 pups who were born due to a randy yorkie cross getting into a garden with 2 bitches who were both on heat.

All breeds, all sizes, all ages are out there looking for a good forever home. Rotties, spaniels, collies, labs or dog de beauxs all need theright home, so have a think.

A few words of wisdom / food for thought -

Have a dog that you have researched, you know the basic breed, you know about the breeder and you know the basics of how to train and keep that pet.

Know your financial limits. Pets cost, they need food, grooming, vet trips, injections, associated gear such as beds. They may do some damage which you will need to fix, but they never do it in a vicious way.

You mold the dog / pet you are to live with. You wind them up they will be mad dogs that do not settle. If you tease the animal they will react. If you are calm and give the guidelines and clear routine most will understand and become part of your life, not rule it!

Pets / dogs are not just for a time they are for a lifetime.

Get your dog sorted out by a vet, if you do not plan to breed them.

Mainitain your dog and care for them. Some people treat their dogs like children, maybe in some ways they are. They are in your care, so please care.

V x

An Afternoon Together for Lennox & Max

We had a lovely lunch out on Saturday with Tanya and Peter (Marcus's parents) & Kelly & Andy (Marcus's brother and his girlfriend). The food was great and the pub although it looked a little dodgy from the outside was well laid out with the restaurant recently refurbished.

After a long leisurely linch with brilliant company and proper espresso and italian coffees we decided to make an afternoon of oti. The others headed back to Kelly & Andys' and we went home and collected Max.

Max had not escaped into next door and seemed to have settled down for the time we were away with Barney, so he bounded up and jumped into the car ready for an adventure. (Max will get in any boot that is opened for him, whether there is shopping in it or anything else there, he is in there!)

We got to the house and settled down for a few drinks. The dogs were playing and loved having all these people around.

Andy & Marcus decided that a walk to the local pet store would be good. So, dogs in tow or us in tow behind the dogs(!) we set off. Max & Lennox loved the walk and met some kids and some dogs on the greeen between the pet centre and the house. They also both appreciated the various tasters that they had in the store, this was to ensure what we bought was approved of by both dogs.... which of course it was!

On the way back the dogs found a loose dog that no one seemed to own, but when we tried to approach it the dog seemed to head home into the houses near the green.

Max & Lennox soon settled down to their chews and the odd treat. Andy started to put his fishing pics on to a blog and everyone had a good afternoon, that soon turned into evening.

We stopped off on the way home at the park and had a quick game of fetch with the ball. Unfortunately the ball disappeared in to the gloom and after an attempted search we thought the ball was lost. It was a ball we had found on an earlier walk, so no big loss. Just that it is the only ball that Masx can not destroy with his amazing nashers... tennis balls be ware! :)

Once home, Marcus fell asleep on the sofa and Max next to him on the floor.

A great day and a brilliant chance for a lot of the Houghtons to get together, hope to do it again soon.

Lennox is now at his holiday home (Kelly & Andy's) while Tanya & Peter go off to the US for their Autumn / Winter 2006 holiday in Florida.


Friday, October 13, 2006

"It's Just Another Day in Paradise"

Many Tears is run by Sylvia. Her love for dogs and her past horrible experience of US rescues that kill any dogs that do not get rehomed drives her on to assist as many dogs as she can.

Have a think tonight about the horrific people and pasts that the dogs she rehomes come across....

(An extract from the Many Tears Website follows)

Monday 9th October (yet another day from hell!!!). Everyone needs to home dogs, but I am not finding the homes to keep up, or the finance. One pound was putting their dogs to sleep as no space, another was full to the limit too. Can you imagine going around picking and leaving others. It brought too many horrific memmories flooding back for me, running a huge rescue in the states and having to pick those to die each morning as they greeted me in their cells. I long for sleep tonight and peace, no nightmares please, just peace! I did not pick, I brought all those going to die back: the undesirables, the ordinary and the staff. "

Make room in your heart and your home for a little lost soul. Makre the rainbow they are looking for end in a happy home with you....

V x

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pigs Ears

A very random title!

Max is becoming a true character. He is a true collie with his focus and his drive to learn. He is a very big collie and so his strength and intelligence means that he finds new challenges with out us... this includes escaping the garden and raiding next door's bin. Naughty boy!

He has learnt to sit, down, wait and is getting the stay thing and also is learning to wait at the curb and bring back his ball or his kong to have it thrown again and again and again and again. . . :)

We have learnt a lot about how to be with him and we have also had a lot of changes to the life we once had to incorporate the loveable rogue.

His loves in life include -
Anyone who pays him attention (he can be unsure of those people he does not know)
Treats & snacks
His pigs' ears
His food, the cats food and the odd bit of food he has once we finsh our meal
His kong and tennis balls
His bed & our bed on a Saturday morning lay in
He loves the car boot, if you open a car boot with Max around he jumps in and sits there :)
He loves the sofa, but prefers to lay at an end to rest his head on the arm of the sofa
He loves walks, can run for ages which is assiting Marcus in his training no end

Basically he loves having people around, but apart from his escap attempts he can be left for a morning with his toys with food in them and Barney to keep order.

I don't know if any one else has a large dog that his ruled by a ginger moggy quite in the way Barney rules Max. Barney has these spurts of energy that means he goes after Max and you see Max flying round the garden with Barney in pursuit. Nothing ever comes of it, but when you think Max is at least 8 times Barney's size it is amusing.

If you have room in your life and your home for a cat or a dog have a look at Many Tears and find a new friend / companion / family member.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Max on Tour!

Max, Marcus & I have been on a bit of a tour of the country. Starting in Southampton on Thursday we headed up to Lincoln and met up with Marcus's Mum's family for a family funeral.

We stayed at a fantastic farm house B+B. We would recommend this to anyone who needs to visit Lincoln, fancies a weekend away with great food and lots around to do or is on business in the area. (Pictured above left, with the nearest neighbour on the right.)

The day was very wet to start off with, the heavons opened as we all gathered at the house and the rain came down in a torent as the cars arrived and we all left for the Cremetorium. As the cars were led into0 the Cremeroium the rain stopped and the sun came out. Max did not attend the service, but came to the wake and made a new friend in Chloe.

We then set off for our weekend in Gloucestershire (we stayed near Cinderford).

We went on lots of walks and explored a lot of the Forest of Dean. The cottage was peaceful, the facillities it provided were basic, but it had Sky, DVDs, a huge conservatory and was on the edge of an amazing valley.

Soppy Dog :)

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