Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pigs Ears

A very random title!

Max is becoming a true character. He is a true collie with his focus and his drive to learn. He is a very big collie and so his strength and intelligence means that he finds new challenges with out us... this includes escaping the garden and raiding next door's bin. Naughty boy!

He has learnt to sit, down, wait and is getting the stay thing and also is learning to wait at the curb and bring back his ball or his kong to have it thrown again and again and again and again. . . :)

We have learnt a lot about how to be with him and we have also had a lot of changes to the life we once had to incorporate the loveable rogue.

His loves in life include -
Anyone who pays him attention (he can be unsure of those people he does not know)
Treats & snacks
His pigs' ears
His food, the cats food and the odd bit of food he has once we finsh our meal
His kong and tennis balls
His bed & our bed on a Saturday morning lay in
He loves the car boot, if you open a car boot with Max around he jumps in and sits there :)
He loves the sofa, but prefers to lay at an end to rest his head on the arm of the sofa
He loves walks, can run for ages which is assiting Marcus in his training no end

Basically he loves having people around, but apart from his escap attempts he can be left for a morning with his toys with food in them and Barney to keep order.

I don't know if any one else has a large dog that his ruled by a ginger moggy quite in the way Barney rules Max. Barney has these spurts of energy that means he goes after Max and you see Max flying round the garden with Barney in pursuit. Nothing ever comes of it, but when you think Max is at least 8 times Barney's size it is amusing.

If you have room in your life and your home for a cat or a dog have a look at Many Tears and find a new friend / companion / family member.


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