Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pleas from the lonely....


I have just had a read through Sylvia's latest notes on the Many Tears Website (link to the site is on the right of this page). She runs the rescue HQ and her husband runs a boarding kennels on the same site that pays the bills.

This year Sylvia has asked Bill (her husband) to let her have the 6 kennels that he usually keeps for his late booking regulars. He has agreed.

Basically all the big rescues in the UK close their doors to new inmates until after the festive season from this weekend (15th Decemberish) this means that the dogs that the pounds have no room for will face death if they are not rehomed or picked up by their owners who have lost them. Simple basis that space needs to be made so the residents that have had "their time" (7 to 9 days) are taking up the space new inmates require, so the longer term ones are passed to rehoming charities who usualy take them. These charities on the whole close their doors over the festive period, no new temporar homes, the dogs are humainly put to sleep.

If you live near the Welsh base for Many Tears or could donate a few pounds to pay for a person to assist Sylvia over the 3 weeks of Christmas that would be brilliant. Have a look at the site, with your help Sylvia could rescue another 16 dogs. A drop in the ocean, but a hope and saving of those poor animals.

- On a lighter note -

Max will do his photo shoot tonight and we will load a picture of the doggie James Bond on to here with him in a less clean state from a walk he went on this week over the next few days.


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