Thursday, December 21, 2006

Room for a thought this Christmas

Max has been a brilliant part of our lives and he is going to be a big part of it in to the future. He always is up to something and is always in to everything.

We have done lots of stuff with him over the past few months and he is getting more and more confident.

Marcus and Max also are working with one of our friends in the village and Sarah at Hamble Hounds to give her dog more confidence with other dogs on leads.

As always we support Many Tears and they have lots of dogs in at the moment, some from their last day at the pound before PTS and some from a home where their humans left and left 2 puppies their mum and a friend to fend for themselves.... basically starve. I can not imagine this being a human act, but it was.... just take a look ... donations, treats and even a forever home or foster home is always a wonderful thing, not just at Christmas.

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